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Play Fantasy Cricket on Cricky World App

Want to enjoy fantasy games like cricket but just can’t manage the time? Well, is the answer you need. This is the place where your favorite fantasy sports come alive. Enjoy playing fantasy cricket, fantasy Football, and fantasy kabaddi right on your device. Pick teams of your choice and play the game., a part of Games24x7, brings the best fantasy games at your fingertips. Don’t wait further. Join us now and enjoy the fantasy games.

Fantasy cricket and football or any fantasy games in general boost your skill and let you win real cash rewards. We offer a safe and secured platform to enjoy online fantasy sports at your leisure. Get started with the game right away and join India’s fastest growing online fantasy cricket app and experience the real action and thrill.

How To Play in Cricky World

Discover the exciting world of Fantasy Sports, an online sports game centered around strategy that allows you to assemble a virtual team of actual players competing in actual matches. Assemble your team to gain points in a live game based on the performance of every member.


Easy Register

Sign up with ease and simplicity, no hassle or complications. Get started in seconds and unlock a world of possibilities!

Exciting Offers

Explore exclusive deals and promotions, tailor-made for you. From discounts to specials, ignite your excitement with us!

Big Contests

Get ready for epic battles! Our contests promise excitement, challenges, and amazing prizes. Compete, conquer, and win!

Refer & Earn

Spread the word, earn rewards! With our referral program, every successful referral gets you closer to unlocking amazing perks.

Popular Fantasy Sports
Played In India

Fantasy sports, particularly fantasy cricket and fantasy football, have garnered immense popularity in India, captivating millions of sports enthusiasts across the nation. These virtual sports platforms allow participants to create their dream teams comprising real-life players from various cricket or football leagues around the world. Participants then earn points based on the performance of their selected players in actual matches.

Fantasy Cricket

Create your dream team and experience the thrill of cricket like never before.

Fantasy Football

Strategize, draft, and manage your fantasy football team to victory.

Fantasy Basketball

Build your ultimate roster and dominate the court in fantasy basketball leagues.

Fantasy Kabaddi

Dive into the world of fantasy kabaddi and lead your virtual team to glory on the mat.

Fantasy Baseball

Step up to the plate and assemble your fantasy baseball lineup for a home run of a season.


Download our app today and win the thousands of prizes

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Frequently Asked Question's

What Is Fantasy Sports ?

Fantasy Cricket is an online game where participants create virtual teams of real cricket players and earn points based on the players’ performance in real-life matches.

How To Play It ?

To play Fantasy Cricket, you need to register on Cricky World India’s best fantasy sports platform, create your team within a specified budget, and join contests to compete with other participants.

How Cricky World Is Different Then other Fantasy Apps ?

Cricky World stands out from other fantasy cricket apps in several key ways:

  1. Comprehensive Cricket Experience: While cricket remains our primary focus, Cricky World offers a comprehensive fantasy cricket experience. We cover a wide range of cricketing events, from international tournaments to domestic leagues, ensuring that users have ample opportunities to engage with their favorite sport.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: Cricky World prioritizes user experience, offering an intuitive interface designed for seamless navigation and participation in fantasy cricket contests. Our platform is accessible and enjoyable for users of all skill levels, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

  3. Engaging Community: We foster a vibrant cricketing community on social media platforms, where fans can connect, share insights, and discuss strategies. Cricky World is not just a gaming platform; it’s a hub for cricket enthusiasts to come together and celebrate their passion for the sport.

  4. Legal Compliance: Cricky World operates within the legal framework established by the Indian government, ensuring that our platform is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. Users can trust Cricky World to provide a safe and secure gaming environment for fantasy cricket enthusiasts.

Cricky World offers a unique blend of comprehensive cricket coverage, innovative features, user-friendly interface, engaging community, and legal compliance, making us the preferred choice for fantasy cricket enthusiasts. Join Cricky World today and experience the difference for yourself!

How To Download Cricky World App ?

There are 2 ways in which you can download the Dream11 app.

  1. If you’re an iOS user, you can also search for ‘Dream11’ in the App Store and download the app
  2. If you are an android user, you can also search for the ‘Dream11’ on the Play Store and download the app
Fantasy Cricket Winning techniques

An increasing number of people are searching for strategies to succeed in fantasy cricket as it continues to gain popularity. Although there isn’t a foolproof method to ensure success, the following advice should be helpful:

  1. Make an investigation : Research is one of the most crucial things you can do when playing fantasy cricket. Understand every detail about the players, their numbers, the teams they represent, and the opposition they will face. You’ll have a far better understanding of who to choose and who to avoid as a result.

  2. Select a well-rounded squad : Selecting a balanced team is a crucial winning strategy in fantasy cricket. Make sure you have a fair mix of players from different clubs and nations, rather than only focusing on the major names. A team with a balanced roster has a higher chance of winning than one that is dominated by elite players.

  3. Make sensible use of your transfers : Making intelligent transfer choices is one of the keys to success in fantasy cricket. To ensure you get the most out of them, wait until right before the deadline rather than wasting them on players who are unlikely to receive any points.

  4. Keep yourself informed on the most recent developments : Another key to success at fantasy cricket is being current on cricket news. It’s critical to stay informed about the state of your fantasy squad because it can be affected by injuries, slumps in form, and last-minute roster changes.

  5. Pay attention to the point-scoring mechanism : It’s critical to become familiar with the scoring method for fantasy cricket games as they differ from one another in terms of fantasy cricket points. This will assist you in selecting the best players for your squad and guarantee that you don’t lose any games.

  6. Make a backup plan : Since nobody can anticipate the future, having a backup plan is usually a good idea. Make sure you have a backup plan in place in case one of your players gets hurt or is benched from the team.

  7. Avoid being overly devoted to your team : Although it’s simple to become emotionally invested in your fantasy cricket team, it’s crucial to keep in mind that it’s only a game. It’s okay to let go of a player and choose someone else if they aren’t playing well.

  8. Enjoy yourselves! : Fantasy cricket should, above all, be enjoyable. Remind yourself that you won’t win every time and try not to take things too seriously. It matters not how much you enjoy yourself, but only that.

  9. Participate in a fantasy cricket league : One of the best ways to acquire pointers, counsel, and encouragement from other fantasy cricket players is to join a community. There are several fantasy cricket communities online, so look for one where you’re comfortable and start playing.

  10. Make use of the resources and tools for fantasy cricket : Use the many fantasy cricket tools and resources that are readily available online. You can locate the best fantasy cricket tips, keep tabs on player performances, and much more with the aid of these tools.

Fantasy Cricket is considered a game of skill and is legal in many countries, as it involves strategic team selection and knowledge of the sport.

How Are Points Calculated in Cricky World?

Cricky World  points system is calculated on the basis of the performance of the player in an actual match. Check Cricky World Fantasy Points System for various sports.


Cricky World offers the best fantasy sports experience app in India, catering to cricket enthusiasts nationwide. With innovative gameplay, real-time updates, and exciting rewards, Cricky World brings the thrill of cricket to fantasy gaming, setting new standards in the industry.



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This game may be habit-forming or financially risky. Play responsibly.

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