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responsible play

As part of its corporate social responsibility, Cricky World Fantasy Sports encourages its players to follow the responsible gaming guidelines outlined in the Cricky World Responsible Gaming Guide. The company is committed to encouraging responsible gaming. We at Cricky World Fantasy Sports are dedicated to providing our users with a fun, engaging, safe, secure, and responsible gaming environment. As a result, we have a rigorous policy regarding responsible gaming. We at Cricky World are grateful for your enthusiasm and love for gaming. We have thus developed certain rules to help you play your game in peace and become proficient at it. Our player-focused project, Responsible Gaming for Fantasy Sports, has a set of carefully crafted rules that you have to follow. We want you to have more exciting and productive days with our fantasy sports. The key components of our fantasy sports responsible gaming policy are as follows:

  1. Our fantasy game offerings are entirely skill-based.

  2. Even though it may be entertaining and have an intriguing incentive system, it should never be equated to a reliable source of income.

  3. It is advisable that you closely monitor the amount of time and money you use our services for. We strongly encourage you to stop immediately if you feel that it is negatively affecting your finances or personal relationships.

  4. It is always best to play or enjoy the game with a cheerful mindset rather than trying to make up for lost time.

  5. Kindly refrain from requesting payment to access these games.

  6. Furthermore, we forbid users under the age of eighteen from using our services. Please be aware that if you are an adult using your Cricky World profile, you are not able to invite or permit any minors under the age of 18 to play.

  7. We closely observe users and record their behavior to identify those who may be at risk. We then get in touch with these users to make sure they play appropriately on our end. These precautions include, but are not limited to, giving users the choice to opt-out permanently or for a specific period of time, and cautioning them via phone or email if they have lost more than a significant amount, like ₹40,000 in a week.

  8. It is advised that you impose time limits on the amount of time you are able to spend playing our online fantasy games.

  9. Consider financial matters carefully and use only as much as you could afford to lose in the worst-case scenario.

Here are some recommended methods to help you play responsibly:

  1. Play fairly and solely for enjoyment.

  2. Playing with the goal to get money or find a way out of your financial difficulties is not advised.

  3. When playing, never chase your losses.

  4. Set aside money for entertainment.

  5. Keep track of how much money and time you’ve spent.

  6. Make sure you get enough rest and engage in other recreational activities outside of fantasy sports.

  7. Determine whether you are not performing consistently.

Here are some clues to assist you determine whether or not you’re playing irresponsibly. Which of the following do you do?

  1. Do you play these games for longer periods of time and spend more money than you intended?

  2. When you play strategy-based games online, do you feel guilty?

  3. Do you usually increase your investments to try to recover your losses?

  4. Do you miss or avoid the main things in life, including work, spending time with family, playing games, and leisure activities?

  5. Do you think back on your game all day?

  6. Do your playing habits frequently lead to disagreements with friends or family?

  7. Do you cheat or steal to obtain gaming money?

  8. Has your career suffered as a result of your gaming habits?

  9. Have you seen an increase in anxiety, despair, or panic attacks as a result of these games?

We need your cooperation in order to play responsibly. Because of this, we kindly ask that you proceed with caution and carefully read our Terms and Conditions and Responsible Gaming Policy in order to understand the potential loss that could occur from reckless behavior. This game has the potential to become financially hazardous, addictive, or habit-forming. You are supposed to play sensibly. Please email to reach out to our support team for more details or assistance.


Cricky World offers the best fantasy sports experience app in India, catering to cricket enthusiasts nationwide. With innovative gameplay, real-time updates, and exciting rewards, Cricky World brings the thrill of cricket to fantasy gaming, setting new standards in the industry.



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This game may be habit-forming or financially risky. Play responsibly.

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